Dear Friend,

       “With the Arcane Wand of 'C', I have invoked the transfiguration of Divination using high-level incantations. By the Year 78 after the Opening of the Dark Portal, the "Unix" spell had been transmuted from its archaic rune-based form into magical artifacts with the essence of 'C', enhancing its mystical power and divine nature.”

       This is an ancient quote from the age of wizards, it was so intricate that it baffles everyone attempting to decipher it. But let's face it: when you passionately explain your innovative ideas to non-specialists, their comprehension may not be much better than their understanding of this arcane mumbo-jumbo. In this scenario, the sentence "C language is more robust than assembly language" is not necessarily more understandable than saying "This magical artifact has more mystical power than those runes."

       At the Cogito Tech Collective at UCI, we understand the importance of effectively communicating complex ideas and exchanging inspirations. Our club is a welcoming space for diverse and creative technology enthusiasts like you. Whatever your reason—networking, knowledge, fun, or otherwise—you will find it fulfilling to join events such as an automated drone project, algorithm competitions, "Scrapyard Wars", team outings, and more.

       In the world of technology, a collaborative community unlocks a level of creativity and innovation that solitary efforts rarely achieve. Imagine a place where your wildest tech dreams are not only welcomed, but also amplified by the collective talented geeks around you. Each member brings a unique perspective, transforming individual sparks of inspiration into blazing innovations. In our club, your achievements are not just milestones; they are celebrated triumphs that propel the entire community forward.

       Moreover, we realize the importance for students to "step out of the ivory tower". Remember that wizard? He needed more than just a partner who understood him; he needed a way to transform his magic into something everyone could marvel at and enjoy, and makers do too. We believe excellent technology creations are for everyone and daily life constructing an organic network. Our vision is to create spaces where everyone who enjoys developing or using technology can connect, not just in front of keyboards and monitors, but also to hang out together or socialize around a barbecue grill.

At Cogito, we would:

Encapsulate: Wrap up those inventions and knowledge in a way that your grandma could understand and exploit.

Inherit: Like a wizard passing down spells, succeeding ICS students share their experiences, and we build things upon what came before us.

Embrace polymorphism: Perspective members of any background are welcomed and encouraged to wear many hats, transforming and applying their talents to various projects and challenges. You can learn to adapt and thrive in any environment.

Abstract: We see the forest for the trees. Breaking down problems into manageable parts enables us to design elegant solutions.

Our Motto:

"Cogito ubi non sum, creando quod non est."

Translation: "I think where I am not. Creating what is not."

Interpretation: The cogito (i.e. "I think") marks the beginning and remains a central topic of modern philosophy. Descartes famously declared “I think therefore I am.” However, according to Jacques Lacan, one does not intuitively recognize oneself solely through pure thinking. Instead, one must traverse the dimension of the Other to produce a mirrored ego. Our message is that everyone is encouraged to think, create, and express, regardless of who they are.

Prepare for a remarkable journey. We promise excitement, a bit of chaos, and a whole lot of innovation.


Helin Yin
Founder, Cogito Tech Collective

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